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                This e-portfolio represents the collective intelligence and experience of the Student Teachers who underwent in a Practice Teaching.


               In this regards, we would like to acknowledge with grateful appreciation and profound gratitude all the people who in one way or another contributed much in our studies and during the hardest time of our life, the Off Campus Training and realization of this e-portfolio.


                Above all, to Almighty God for giving us trength, courage, wisdom to cope with every endeavors, challenges, and difficulties confronted by me.


               Foremost, to our Parents whose love serves as our strength and had been always there behind us in times of financial and moral difficulties that in their utmost effort never fail to show their regrets in supporting us to reap the fruit of our labor.


              Dr. Gloria B. Osea the Dean of the College of Development Education of CBSUA main campus for her moral support, encouragement and her intelligence that keeps us move forward and level up in our fields.


              To Prof.Simeon B. Botor our instructor, chairman and “the tatay” of Elementary Education program for his endless support in any aspect of our journey towards teaching profession. For his wisdom that shape and mold our heart s and minds and for uplifting us when we we’re down.


              To the new principal Mrs.Marites Y. Abagat, who continuesly guided us and honored our needs as student teachers. Also, to Mrs.Elizabeth P. Manaog the OIC in the time that there’s no yet assigned principal in BNCS for accepting us and gives us the privilege to take our practice in their good school.


             We wholeheartedly say thanks also to our cooperating teachers who become our guide, supporter, friend, advocate and role model.


            Our fellow Interns and friends who are always there for us.


           Thank you very much and God Bless us all! 


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Student teachers

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

College of Development Education

San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur


Alright reserve 2014-2015

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