CBSUA student teachers e-portfolio in...
The Department of Education promotes zero performance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitaion, violence, discrimination bullying and other forms of abuse
Schools shall be conducve to learning and children shall have the right to education free from fear;
All children shall be protected from all forms of abuse and bullying to develop self-esteem and self-confidence;
Schools shall advocate positive and non violent mode of desciplining children to faster self-desciplne and to mplrove self-esteem;
Corporal management sholl not be imposed on any child n school for the purpose of discipline, training and control;
School heads shall take steps to prevent bullying and ensure that the appropriate interventions, counselling and other services are provided the victims of abuse, exploitaion, violence, discrimination and bullying;
Pupils, students or learners shall respect the rights of others and refrain from committing acts of bullying and peer violence;
Parents shall be actively involved in all school activities or events that raise awareness on children's rights, positive discipline and the prevention of bullying;
Visitors and guest shall be oriented on the child protection policy.