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        To provide quality basic education accessible to all through an intensive curriculum and complete functional facilities with the assistance of competent teachers, principal and active support of the stakeholders.

         Improve learner’s performance in the Division of Camarines Sur.

    Seek to develop students with faith in God, academically prepared to secondary life, competent of critical and creative learning, concerned with his environment and develop the sense of responsibility to others.


                  We believe in EXCELLENCE… that Buhi North Central School and its stakeholder will work with competence and seek for the attainment of quality education and improve pupil’s achievents.


      We believe in RESPONSIBILITY… that all stakeholder of Buhi North Central School will be able to demonstrate awareness of their particular roles to accomplish, for the betterment of the school.


      We believe in the value of ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS… that will of all stakeholder, community, members, school and local officials to protect and conserve the environment to show concern to our mother earth.

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

College of Development Education

San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur


Alright reserve 2014-2015

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