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What went wrong and what went right?

             My practice teaching days was never been a smooth run all the time. There were whiles that the road seems so rough and bulky to move along. There was a time that I wasn’t able to come on time during my demo teaching for some negligence it was a bad impression for my CT. I feel so fail and bad for myself that day as I also remember what Sir Botor always remind us before we have this practice, that we have to be punctual at all times. But the feeling fades away as my understanding CT considered my excuses and since then I change my routine and habit that cause my lateness. However what went right is with that flaws I realize I should be more perseverance to change and do good next time because mistakes is normal as long as I learn and never lose hope because there is another chances and opportunities I deserve. Inside the classroom I also experience being annoyed and come to the point that I am not anymore the teacher they wanted to be. But the good is after telling them what makes me mad they know how to say sorry as they realize their mistakes.  When the children see that you don’t get mad and seems not to care with what wrong they are doing grounds them to abuse and disrespect you. Sometimes we have to limit our tolerance in their attitudes and behaviors to keep the respect from them.

My experience as student teacher...

                  Student teaching is of the best experienced I had in my life. It was challenging yet satisfying experience. Challenging because every day I have to face different behavior of my pupils. There are these importunate pupils, hardheaded, “piloso” and always hyper kids that I need to please all the time just to behave and act accordingly. Though the situation is really loosen my patience I always have to keep calm and control my temper. There are also these very kind, silent and loner types that balance the situation. I thanks them for being so, they lessen my problem. I also experience nervous and cramming every time the fight between pupils arises. I experience to become like a  barangay captain getting their statement how the fight arise and told the guilty one to say sorry. Likewise,  Having a sleepless night just to finish the lesson plans and do the visual aids on time is also defying; hide my zombie looks and keep my “super enthusiastic teacher mode “: ON to motivate my pupils and get their attentions. As most of the time swallowed by shyness it is also a challenge for me to approach my CTs and speaks up my mind. Luckily, they are very kind, open and indeed approachable I was able to have the courage to express myself. On other hand, this experience is also satisfying in a sense that as the day ends I realize that I was able to overcome those challenges, keep on standing and moving forward every day. 

                 In my practice teaching I undergo 2 shifts. On first shift I was assigned in Grade II – Camia with my CT Mdm. Zen. I was able to have 8 lessons in this class; one trial in MTB and one day straight teaching with subject covered MTB, Filipino, English, Mathematics, EP, AP and MAPEH. On second shift I was appointed in Grade V – Love with Sir.Job their adviser and my new CT for this phase. In this class I demonstrated 10 times. Two lessons in Filipino, Hekasi, Sining, and Mathematics and one lesson in Science and English. Aside teaching I become a proctor in 3 sections of Grade V during their 3rd Periodical test. I also facilitated games during Christmas party in Grade II. In the near coming of the new principal, I helped “Tay Jun” (school guard/janitor) to clean the principal office. In my remaining week, I asked Sir Job to give summative test covering all the topics I discussed in his class Grade V – Love. I constructed the test and it was approved by Sir so I felt very accomplish after the test. 

My accomplishments...

My participation...

           In BNCS I was also trained to gain confidence and show up my talent. During the “Pasko in BNCS” I, Anjenette and Jerosa gave an intermission number; I play the guitar while the two sung the song “Thank You”. Similarly, on BUDISTEA day I was also member of the presentation shown by the BNCS family. On the celebration of the feast day of Our Lady of Prompt Succor and Our Lady of Lourdes together with the Grade V pupils I attended the mass and procession. Knowingly that I play guitar, teachers requested me to join them in serenading the former principal in her natal day. It was an honored to me participating in such events. 

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

College of Development Education

San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur


Alright reserve 2014-2015

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